Life Coaching
“For me, becoming isn't about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better self.”
Michelle Obama
What’s involved
Unique Coaching Programme
We’ll begin by discussing the areas you want to work on and what you hope to gain from the coaching process. This will be followed by a diagnosis of your learning styles and personality type to begin to get a deeper understanding of yourself, how your personality affects the way you respond to the external environment and what type of coaching activities will work best for you. Based on this, we will then co-design a unique coaching programme that suits your specific needs.
1-on-1 Coaching Sessions
You can choose to have 1-hour or 30-minute sessions, in person at your own venue or online. The coaching process will include additional diagnostic processes to explore certain issues in more depth as well as individual tasks to enable you to practice new behaviours. For best results, the minimum frequency of these sessions must be once a month. This will give you enough time to undertake your coaching assignments in between sessions so that you get the most out of your coaching programme. You will also be asked to keep a journal to enable you to regularly reflect on your progress and record emerging lessons.
Milestone Reviews
In order to stay on course, it’s important to take regular, in-depth reviews of the progress achieved against the goals encapsulated in your individual coaching programme. These reviews will take place once a quarter or once every six months depending on your preference. They will be an opportunity to celebrate what you have achieved so far, tease out what didn’t go well and why as well as provide feedback on the coaching you have received so we can better support you on your journey.